And as I was jogging along in a dream as dozing I was dawdling, arrah, methought broadtone was heard and the creepers and the gliders and flivvers of the earth breath and the dancetongues of the woodfires and the hummers in their
ground all vociferated echoating: Shaun! Shaun! Post the post!” 404.
John Sinclair invited me to the Firey Tongues Festival held at Ruigoord, Amsterdam, where I was subjected to several ‘live’ poetry performances at the tranquil setting.
The feeling of being near the squatted church at Ruigoord in Holland was tipped over the edge of cool by encountering the poetry of Robert Priest reading from his new work titled 'reading the bible backwards. Something about his brilliant methodology captured the vibe of questioning God, ‘Reality’ and everything else that oozed out from the choice selection of wordsmiths and wise warrior writers.
A wild band of international troubadours gathered together to exercise the tongue and keep the novelty wave of history on its trajectory ever outwards, and ever inwards, the information expansion that you feel when in the presence of poets, bards and humanists, steersman of the infinite tongue of being.
‘Reading the Bible Backwards’ by Robert Priest made me shiver and shout, it got stuck right in my eyeball and has grew on me like fungus, since being infected with this new viral meme: backwards bible reading I have turned back to Finnegans Wake: a readymade Bible of backwards genius and futurology, I think. Please excuse my Joyce fiending.
Robert Priest’s book of poems has a heavy cosmological and mathematical basis I suspect, and like a current running between James Joyce and Marshall McLuhan, Priest seizes the time-space of 2010 cosmology and intersperses the truth of his place in spacetime, covering Dark Matter, religion & DJ's.
Robert Priest poetically is writing holographic prose in praise of ‘backwards’ interpretations. Reverse engineering of our neurological networds, fully embracing the omni-directional sense of our 2010 connectivity times. Plus, Priest has added the centrifugal force of the turntable's as one inspiration for his work and the turntables are a musical instrument I often romance in my writing and musical network projects.
So I simply recommend you visit Robert’s website and get a copy of ‘Reading the bible backwards’, furthermore visit my blogpost about the fiery tongues festival where I was fortunate to meet Robert and other performers during a break. John Sinclair continued his incredible informative radio show tradition, and crafted a selection of 'live' recordings from the event, shared at radiofreeamsterdam, show number 325. Cheers John.
Here is the first part of my simple search and re-reading of Joyce’s Finnegans Wake (with page number), a part of my on-going research into hypertext and synchronicity:
Hubbleforth slouch in his slips backwords (Et Cur Heli!) in the directions
of the duff and demb institutions about ten or eleven hundred
years lurch away in the moonshiny gorge of Patself on the Bach.” 73.
a onestone parable, a rude breathing on the void of to be, a venter hearing his
own bauchspeech in backwords, or, more strictly, but tristurned
initials, the cluekey to a worldroom beyond the roomwhorld, for
scarce one” 100
a part of the whole as a port for a whale; Dear Hewitt Castello, Equerry,
were daylighted with our outing and are looking backwards to
unearly summers, from Rhoda Dundrums” 135.
Hear, O worldwithout! Tiny tattling! Backwoods, be wary!
Daintytrees, go dutch!“ 244.
And his eyelids are painted. If my tutor here
is cut out for an oldeborre I'm Flo, shy of peeps, you know. But
when he beetles backwards, ain't I fly? Pull the boughpee to see
how we sleep.” 248.
He knows his Finsbury Follies backwoods
so you batter see to your regent refutation. Ascare winde is rifing
again about nice boys going native.” 374
I am, thing Sing Larynx, letter potent to
play the sem backwards like Oscan wild or in shunt Persse
transluding from the Otherman or off the Toptic or anything off the
types” 419.
-- God save the monk! I won't mind this is, answering to
your strict crossqueets, whereas it would be as unethical for me
now to answer as it would have been nonsensical for you then
not to have asked. Same no can, home no will, gangin I am.
Gangang is Mine and I will return. Out of my name you call me,
Leelander. But in my shelter you'll miss me. When Lapac walks
backwords he's darkest horse in Capalisoot. You knew me once
but you won't know me twice. 487.
I could guessp to her name who tuckt you that
one,tufnut! Bold bet backwords. For the loves of sinfintins! Before the
naked universe. 624.
any hygienic day to this hour and to
make my hoath to my sinnfinners, even if I get life for it, upon
the Open Bible and before the Great Taskmaster's (I lift my hat!)” 36.
Single wrecks for the weak, double axe for the mail, and quick
queck quack for the radiose. Renove that bible. You will never
have post in your pocket unless you have brasse on your plate.” 579.
next those ars, rrrr! those ars all bellical, the highpriest's hieroglyph of kettletom and oddsbones, wrasted redhandedly from our hallowed rubric prayer
for truce with booty” 122.
Good safe firelamp! hailed the heliots. Goldselforelump!
Halled they. Awed. Where thereon the skyfold high,
trampatrampatramp. Adie. Per ye comdoom doominoom noonstroom.
Yeasome priestomes. Fullyhum toowhoom. Taawhaar?
Sants and sogs, cabs and cobs, kings and karls, tentes and
taunts. 'Tis gone infarover. So fore now, dayleash. Pour deday. To
trancefixureashone. Feist of Taborneccles, scenopegia, come!
Shamwork, be in our scheining! And let every crisscouple be so
crosscomplimentary, little eggons, youlk and meelk, in a farbiger
pancosmos.” 613.
I just spent approximately one hour searching Finnegans Wake for words linking to the Robert Priest book ‘reading the bible backwards’ for the reasons outlined above.
As with most of my searches into the wake, a few strange links emerged from my searching, hyperlinks from my previous readings and activities. For one thing, the last entry I visited was page 613, due to searching the word Priest which appears on that page. Earlier today I made a Tweet’ “Stephen Hawking on rivers, James Joyce on traveltime physics” and used the word ‘pancosmos’ due to the fact that ‘pancosmos’ is the only words that a search for ‘cosmo’ threw up. Pancosmos is on page 613, not far from the word Priest.
Also I previously blogged about Finnegans Wake and the Astrophysicist Hubble, based on Joyce's: ‘Hubbleforth slouch in his slips’ and the next words are ‘backwords (Et Cur Heli!)’ so, the phrase came up in my ‘backw’ search and reiterates my contention about Finnegans Wake, holographic prose and holographic cosmology hypertext, I guess.
The phrase ends with the word Bach. Bringing us to the fugue and the kinds of symmetrical holographic music forms that also provide insight into the Universe and Mind.
When will they reassemble it? O, my back, my back, my bach!” 213.Backwards becomes ‘Backwords’ in the Wake that is full of reverse and alternative omni-directional readings. Another small synchronicity was with the words ‘sinfintins’ pg. 624’ and ‘sinnfinners’ pg. 36; that came to my attention while searching for the word ‘bible’ in the Wake. I find that these words of sin, finn and infinity, with an added overtone of Sinn Fein fit the ‘bible’ theme, and reading the bible backwards.
Oh, and I almost forgot about MONK! on page 487 Joyce writes --God Save the Monk!" and in the same paragraph we find "When Lapac walks backwords he's darkest horse in Capalisoot." back to Bach to Backwords, Bach words, and Thelonious Monk.
And, looking for some more hyperlinks to add just now, I realized I made a post on April 1st titled GOD SAVE THE MONK! that I forgot about, another surprise.
every telling has a taling and that's the he and the she of it.” 213.
1 comment:
Hey thanks for unearthing that backwards stuff. Joyce reads well like that. I really loved "you knew me once but you won't know me twice."
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