Friday, October 10, 2008


8th OCTOBER 20018.

For immidiate worldwide free copy and distribution.

"This lesson is the very basis of solid banking. Credit rests in ultimate on the abundance of nature, on the growing grass that can nourish the living sheep--Ezra Pound.

My H$H GREEN bail-out has a real bail. And has real green pot.
To mean my H$H GREEN Bail is Cannabis! Yes. My HA$H plan.
To save the American Hempire, this Emergency HA$H/Cannabis
Bai-LOUT Plan.t. 2018.

To manufacture a new housing security market. HA$H/Cannabis
mortgages backed up by plants. Secure. Safe. Sure to flower.
Invest cash in HA$H by the Pound. My Green bail-out for the
Housing market involves growing 10 plants per U.S household.
A new Cannabis market will take off like a rocket. Check it.

“As long as the sun keeps shining or your hydro’ lights stay on, you can sleep sound with the security of cannabis investments.” --HA$H MORTGAGE SECURE TEAS

In the wake of recent economic and financial catastrophe i'll wager not not one political mouthpiece or media whorehouse has entertained the prospect of a HA$H/MARIJUANA BAIL OUT PROGRAM: The Global decriminalization of Cannabis related crimes and the creation of roughly 160 new national HA$H/MARIJUANA trading nations.) Considering its historic U.S hemp constitution, the United States might be the first to adopt my plan. Or something resembling it, drawn up by some clever clogs at the 2018 GREEN party. Yeah. Sure.

“Trust your crop not your government banking cop.”--HA$H MORTGAGE SECURE TEAS

Imagine, not only will the new green market boost and blaze the currently crippled global economy with a grass-roots plan for rapid growth and HA$H cash injections, but, the medicinal and social benefits of a nation, or nations with un-punished access to high quality Cannabis maybe critical in times of deep depression, recession and mad greed wars. When all else is crumbling and decaying around you it just might be nice, at least, to smoke a splff if you wanted too, or else eat a pot brownie, and well now, hell, why not fuck in the streets too?

Along with the Netherlands; Iceland, Ireland, Malaysia, Britain, Germany, America, Japan, Kenya and Canada will all have their experimental 12 month trial period adopting Cannabis decriminalization; starting April 20th 20019. Licensed smoking houses, information centers and trading markets combined with the freedom for each individual to grow at least 8 plants and have up to 19 ounces of ready to smoke Cannabis in their possession will create a buzzing community of calm and creative people, living harmoniously with others who maybe driving their death monsters, drinking poison or eating death foods,

"We'll tolerate their hobbies if they'll tolerate ours" --Guns and Dope party slogan. 2004 California race.

The massive insurgence of green-fingered gardening fanatics and peaceful growers will boost the market for growing equipment, soil, fertilizer, comic book and science fiction culture, and get troublsom kids off the street and into the garden. Also people will be encouraged to move around in their communities, sharing cuttings, tips and buds with oneanother, while getting back into some of natures most ancient cycles and gaining new awareness for seasons, for biological science, cleanliness.

"Hi yield guarantea.”--HA$H MORTGAGE SECURE TEAS

The HA$H bail-out horticulture plan nurtures the careful, loving preparation rituals, the care and individual responsibility required to grow Cannabis for Secure mortgages of the highest quality, to help re-grow and to re-invigorate the US property market, and then also possibly the entire worlds property markets, unleashing the potential for the more meaningful 2019 GREEN energy revolution, GREEN medicine, GREEN fiber (and it does not certainly have to be colored green it can be dyed other colors), GREEN fuel, GREEN paper, GREEN currency. Think about it. Corn was once a kind of plant-currency. The Funky green corn called Cannabis could really, joking aside now, help the world economy get itself out of the current slump, where investments in Bombs, Germs, Steel, GOV DRUGS, OIL etc. have us spinning into a dirty non GREEN funky spell.

The Iran war has cost roughly $700 Trillion so far in America alone. Britain just spent 33 Trillion on a new Quadent Nuclear Missileprogram. This is RED investment. RED for the blood of KILLINGRY. The business of death and decay. From Nukes right down to computer chips that guide them, Killingry is not an option for any harmonious future between humanity and planet earth. I am for Livingry, for cooperation and for good sound thinking, these are the order for these tricky days ahead and the task of solving some of the dire problums we are wrapped up in.

"Do the H$H BOP and trim your profit from the tip-top"

My green HA$H bail-out proposal (H$H B.O.P) maybe a little more of a serious proposal than at first strikes you. Only the LAWS of prohibition, so vehemently enforced by the TSOG USA, the TSOG UK and the European TSOG Union stand in the way, realistically to a new worldwide HA$H BAIL out mortgages securities market. They could drop that law ina flash, let all the Cannabis crime related prisoners walk free and invest the surplus CA$H and maybe begin gra$$ roots sparkt-up companies that specialize in GREEN! hemp and GREEN Cannabis related products, products of LIVINGRY, soap, bread, cakes, clothing, footwear, building materials, fuel, fuel, cookies etc. Good food, clothing, fuel and shelter stuff. Opposed to Nukes and Fossil fuels and Virtual “joke” credit. (TSOG = Tsarist Occupation Government, as defined by Dr. Robert Anton Wilson. 1932-2007)

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Continuing the recent trend, marijuana arrests set another all-time record in 2017, totaling 872,720. --

The H$H BOP would also be turning around the horrible and inhumane punishment against mostly harmless citizens who enjoy the relaxing effects of Cannabis. Those who are incarcerated for dealing bigger quantities will be unable to re offend due to the legalization of the Cannabis drug they may, or may not have been illegally dealing. These individuals can be trained and primed further for good work in the marketing and administration departments of this, or another 2019 GREEN Spark up company, utilizing their networking skills and love of people and culture. To give one example of turning a good human being from a criminal into a useful member of society. If Cannabis criminals became Cannabiks criminals overnight when the first LAWS were enacted then Cannabis Criminals can become Cannabis citizens overnight just a quickly. And in 2019 we may have half a billion less criminals around the world.

--Some figures, quotes and references to help flesh out the landscape of HA$H MORTGAGE SECURE TEAS.

"With government at all levels awash in debt, this is an insane waste of resources. If we regulated and taxed marijuana as we do beer, wine, and cigarettes, we could save tens of billions of dollars, better control marijuana's production and distribution, and cut off a huge source of funding to criminal gangs."--Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington, D.C.


By Fly A2ari3 2019.

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